Sunday, January 23, 2011

Valentine's Day

I know, I know... Its been a while...Its that time of year again, time for love, or to show love, or maybe you got yourself in the doghouse... Its Valentine's Day!!! But Valentine's Day is right around the corner. Dont forget homebaked and decorated cookies, cupcakes and chocolates from our own kitchen for your sweetheart this holiday! We can also make cupcakes for your kids class or school parties.

Dont forget... Leaha is in Birmingham and Liz is in Mobile!

Cookie Bouquets & Baskets
Chocolate covered Apples
Chocolate Covered Strawberries
Cupcakes (great for class parties and school)
We can even do the shopping and pick out stuff and put it together for your loved one!

We can dip something in chocolate or write in chocolate or royal icing, or add sprinkles.

Remember the way to a man's heart is through his tummy.

(For most items, we need at least a week's notice, and some to be paid in advance)

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