Wednesday, July 28, 2010

1st Post!!

So Leahonia and I have started a little business! After a weekend or 2 ago, we planned and decorated a baby shower for a friend of Leah's, people kept telling us how we needed to go into business!. LOL! So here we are. Leahonia and I love to decorate and create lots of things! We're all about learning and creating new things. So here we are...Planners, decorators, bakers, gift makers, etc...
We also know that in this day in age, the economy is not doing well, so we will try to make everything affordable as we can, while still making a little something for ourselves. We will work with you on a budget that you can do. And We'll let you know what we can do and what we can do for you to make the party as special as it can be!
We're still starting out... so give us time to get our prices in order, but feel free to give us a ring or shoot us an email about what you need or what you are looking for. I'll be hitting us a few more blogs about different things that we can do and go into more detail about it! Thanks for reading!

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